Prace bieżące

STS Kapitan Głowacki

            Built in 1944 as a German patrol boat, it owes its hull lines to an even earlier construction, namely the Danish pilot's schooner, known for its excellent maritime properties.

         Purchased by Panstwowe Centrum Wychowania Morskiego, it was finished as a gaff fishing ketch (234 m2 sail area, 6.40m wide, 3.30m draft, 70 BRT, auxiliary engine 135 hp). She was a school ship of Szkoly Rybolowstwa Morskiego, fished on the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. The crew was then 9 people plus 14 trainees. In 1967 it was transferred to Liga Obrony Kraju in Jastarnia, and three years later it was transferred to the PZZ center in Trzebieza. In 1976 it was withdrawn from operation due to its poor technical condition.

         The funds, necessary to carry out a major overhaul, were not available until 1984. In 1986, Henryk Rutkowski returned to the sea after a thorough reconstruction carried out by the PPiUR "Szkuner" Rybacka Repair Yard in Wladyslawowo. As a result of the reconstruction a completely different, new sailing ship was created, only the main structure and a part of the sheathing remained from the old one. The equipment of the vessel was changed and transformed into a brigantine.

         Sailing ship's debut in the Cutty Sark Regatta took place in 1989, where it came to Pool near London, and then took part in the regatta on the London-Hamburg route. [...]. In 1995 the name of the ship was changed to Kaptain Glowacki.

Source: "Zaglowce świata".

Complex Jacht has become the general contractor of STS "Kapitan Głowacki" repair. We believe that after many months of hard work the final effect will satisfy you.

STS "Kapitan Glowacki" towed from Kołobrzeg to the "Szkuner" shipyard in Władysławowo We have started the complete renovation from demolition and slipping. 

STS "Kapitan Głowacki" on its way to the shipyard.
Shipyard in Władysławowo.
Interior of a sailing ship.
Dismantling of masts.
Preliminary cleaning of old paint layers and antifoulings.
Levelled screed on deck.
Dismantling the steel reinforcement of the bow and the bow itself
Work on the new bow.
Assembly of the bow.
Fitting and assembling planes.
Fixing the rudder tunnel.
Dismantling the old sheathing.
Cleaning and replacing ribs (frames, bottom plates).
We made 40% of new covering.
Closing the shell assembly stage.
Raising the STS "Kapitan Glowacki".
Stress assessment for wooden keel, piles and steel ballast.
Separating the steel ballast and putting it out from under the keel.
Fastening the ballast to the keel.
Dichting - the most arduous boatbuilding work.
Dichting and filling gaps between planks with putty.
Fitting the last boards.
Finishing the dichotomy of the whole.
Paint the shell and interior with primer.
Finish painting the hull.
Technical launch on 12 January 2023.
New clothes for STS "Kapitan Głowacki".
12.01.2023 technical launch.
Complex Jacht team.
STS "Kapitan Głowacki" launched!
Work on the interior development.
Bodybuilding assembly.
Pur foam insulation.
Cabin and berth construction.
Installing the engine.
Preparing rigging.
Masts prepared for sandblasting.
Sandblasting and painting of masts.
Fitting and installing the bowsprit.
Assembly of masts and rigging parts.
Fitting and gluing in the wooden deck.
Deck pre-sanded and protected, joints flooded with sik.
Rei installation.
Interior fit-out of cabins.
Bathroom enclosure.
Galley build-up.
Finishing a classroom for Blue School students.
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